THEHAIRGAME is a series brought to you by Salon Republic and hosted by founder Eric Taylor, who, after 17 yrs in the hair game, has seen a lot of s#!@ go down. We’ll go deep with the beauty industry’s most interesting players, we’ll educate and tell stories about the things you care about, we’ll get into the business side of the game so you can earn more and keep more, and we’ll go #BTS to show you how we do things at Salon Republic. Also check out the video content on our YouTube channel The Hair Game.

Rebecca Taylor: Rebecca Taylor is an award-winning colorist and ambassador to multiple brands, as well as a founder of Hairstylist Education Forum. Eric and the students get into many great topics with her, including what to do when you don’t feel authentic for social media.

Justin Thomas: Hattori Hanzo Educator and salon owner Justin Thomas shares why he strives to inspire other hairdressers to be fearless behind the chair, as well as discussion on viewing yourself as a business and salon ownership.

Paula Peralta: Paula was part of a social media panel at the Paul Mitchell Gathering this year, so we sat down with her after to discuss Instagram and getting started, the challenges of owning your own salon, and marketing yourself as a hairdresser.

Client Experience © Retail: The Hair Game hit the streets of Santa Monica, CA to ask random people where they buy their hair product. Listen in & see if a friendly recommendation at a reasonable price makes a difference in the client’s eyes.
The Hair Game Podcast Giveaways
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- Write a review (that includes your Instagram handle) for The Hair Game podcast on Apple iTunes or Stitcher
- Screenshot your review OR your favorite episode and post on your Instagram stories. Tag @salonrepublic @loveerictaylor & hashtag #thehairgamepodcast
- Follow @salonrepublic @loveerictaylor