Business Strategy for Hairstylists with Kimberly Marie

Hairstylist coach Kimberly Marie helps hairstylists manage the business aspects.
Hairstylist coach Kimberly Marie discusses helping stylists with the business aspects of hair.

This interview with Kimberly, a hairdresser from Seattle, Washington, with 14 years of experience is about business strategy for hairstylists. She’s also the founder of “Next Level Hairstylist,” a platform aimed at providing guidance to hairstylists. The interview discusses Kimberly’s journey into the hair industry, her insights on improving the hairstylist’s experience behind the chair, and her thoughts on pricing and structuring hours.

Kimberly initially joined beauty school as a hobby, falling in love with hairstyling. She shares the concept of wearing two hats: the hairstylist hat and the business owner hat. The key to improvement is recognizing when to switch between these roles. Kimberly also suggests that hairdressers often excel creatively but struggle with the business aspect. Separating these roles and making business decisions with a business owner perspective is crucial.

She suggests several strategies that can enhance a hairstylist’s experience behind the chair:

  • Business Hat vs. Hairstylist Hat: Distinguish between the creative hairstylist role and the business owner role. Make decisions that align with the business aspect, such as setting prices and enforcing policies.
  • Structured Business Hours: Instead of working excessive hours to attract clients, create a structured schedule that aligns with your long-term goals. This approach creates demand and a sense of value for your time.
  • Value of Your Time: Structured hours convey the value of your time to clients, potentially leading to greater client appreciation and loyalty.
  • Balancing Pressure and Structured Hours: While new hairdressers may feel pressure to accommodate clients, striking a balance between accommodating and setting structured hours is essential. This prevents burnout and establishes a valuable relationship with clients who value your time.
  • Pricing Strategy: Determine your pricing based on your market, your worth, and the services you offer. Research other salons to gain insights into the market, but avoid basing prices solely on competition.
  • Pricing Evolution: The pricing landscape is changing, with more hairdressers offering bundled services, hourly rates, and transparent pricing menus. Knowing your hourly worth and factoring in product, travel, and other costs is crucial.

Kimberly emphasizes that finding the balance between creative passion and business acumen is essential for long-term success. Understanding the value of your time, structuring your business hours, and setting appropriate prices can create a fulfilling and sustainable career behind the chair. The discussion sheds light on the dynamic and evolving nature of hairstyling as both a creative and business endeavor.

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